Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quick Check-In

Things have a different pace here at Sidhehaven, yet somehow I've managed to post less here than I was at Westwind.

I've been learning a lot about the principles of permaculture but I'm still trying to find a way to articulate it in the simplest terms. In short, it's an eco-friendly way of life. I'm enjoying the new things that I'm learning although most of the time my brain feels like it's about to explode with everything I'm adding to it.

Alex and I have learned to make bagels--I'm going to post pictures as soon as my computer is up and running (luckily one of the guys here used to be a network administrator). We are now making a batch basically every other day. Yum!

Yesterday I decided to dust off my bike and give her a spin, after not really riding for about a year. I over did it I think. I rode for 2.5 miles to a little town down the road called Yelm. By the time I got there I was extremely dizzy and shaky. Doesn't help that I forgot to bring water. So I stopped at the very tiny co-op there and got some water, cinnamon roasted nut mix, and seaweed rice chips. That and some deep breaths and I was well on my way to recovery. Biking back took a lot out of me too. I literally stumbled through the door when I got bag. Suffice to say, I'm out of shape. But hopefully there will be more biking in the very near future because I forgot how great it was. Having a car really makes you lazy!

Ooo, and I'm also learning to make kimchi! Pictures of the final product forth coming!

Things I'm looking forward to:

*Planting kholrabi and kale from seed
*Experimenting with seed pods from the arugula plants on the premises
*Building a bench
*More bike rides
*Hearing about the new Mississippi Market store opening!
*The new Harry Potter movie!!

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